How To Download Curl Ubuntu

How to install curl.
How to download curl ubuntu. It is also used in cars television sets routers printers audio equipment mobile phones tablets set top boxes media players and is the internet transfer backbone for thousands of software applications affecting billions of humans daily. The procedure to install curl on ubuntu linux is as follows. Console logs of downloads. Installing curl on ubuntu curl package is included in the default ubuntu 18 04 repositories. Curl is a command line utility for transferring data from or to a remote server.
The installation is pretty straightforward just type. Sudo apt install curl verify install of curl on ubuntu by running. Sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade next install curl execute. This article explains how to install curl on ubuntu 20 04. Open terminal and update the ubuntu apt with the following command.
On ubuntu run this command to install it. Sudo apt get install curl. Install latest curl version on ubuntu os server. Thats it you ve installed latest curl version on ubuntu server. Using curl for downloads.
Find out what curl is capable of and when you should use it instead of wget. Here today we will see how to install curl on ubuntu. With curl you can download or upload data using one of the supported protocols including http https scp sftp and ftp. C url is used in command lines or scripts to transfer data. Access remote servers for download upload files.
Sudo apt update sudo apt install curl once the installation is complete run the command curl to verify. Installing curl for ubuntu linux. Then run step 3 commands. If you get this errors. Curl mime free run the below steps ensure you re using root sudo.