How To Use Hotspot Vpn On Pc
![100 Working Hotspot Shield Vpn Unlimited Bandwidth Access For Best Vpn Hot Spot Public Network](
If you are using a free vpn most likely you ll only get a certain amount of data to use per month.
How to use hotspot vpn on pc. But it could be less impressive for an advanced user who would prefer more freedom to tinker with the settings. Why use hotspot vpn for pc. Using the hotspot vpn for pc means you have the best security partner. Select wi fi and enable mobile hotspot. Click the hotspot shield icon to open the hotspot shield vpn application.
Next you will activate hotspot on your windows device. Go to the mobile hotspot section. Right click the network icon on your windows toolbar and choose to open network internet settings again. Underneath you will see information about this hotspot network. This can be the laptop you re currently using or an older laptop or pc that s just collecting dust.
Turn on the mobile hotspot by moving a switch. This article is available in french and german. Open the hotspot shield vpn application. In that case you need to take such a vpn which will not only unblock the site but also ensure safety as well. A fast vpn service that can deliver good speeds and security to all your devices at once speedify is a next generation mobile vpn that can combine multiple.
Go to settings network internet mobile hotspot. It makes use of the notebook s internal wifi card wi fi 4 to wirelessly transmit the internet signal to mobile devices mainly my ipad. As you can tell the app is pretty self explanatory which is great if you re starting to use a vpn. After adjusting one of these adapters you will need to switch to the according protocol within. Keeping this in mind hotspot vpn will allow you to surf the maximum web sites which are blocked already.
For example you may want to use your vpn when on a public wi fi like at a coffee shop but not use it home. A working windows laptop or pc with a wifi card or dongle. Here s what you need to share your vpn connection over wifi hotspot. If you want to use premium features like being able to choose a country for your ip address location you ll need to click upgrade to hotspot shield elite at the bottom of the hotspot shield window select a payment plan enter your payment information and click upgrade my plan this is completely optional but recommended if you want an extra layer of security. The hotspot shield windows app s interface is excellent for any vpn newbie who wants to access blocked content quickly.